At the heart of every creation lies a story, and Mamaku is no exception. With deep roots in the enchanting landscapes of Aotearoa, we draw inspiration from the resilient spirit of the native Mamaku fern and the timeless wisdom passed down through generations.
Over a decade ago, we personally faced the challenges of sensitive skin. Our own struggles, coupled with witnessing the suffering of loved ones, propelled us to seek innovative alternatives. Amidst the plethora of products, we recognised the need for a fresh approach – one that harmonised modern science with time-honoured wisdom, mirroring the approach of rongoā (traditional Māori medicine).
Guided by the knowledge imparted by our kaumātua (elders) while growing up in Waimārama, and driven by a desire to share te ao Māori (Māori worldviews) with a global audience, Mamaku was born.
But our determination extended beyond offering mere skincare solutions; we aspired to encapsulate the very essence of Aotearoa and its traditions. Our connection to our roots goes beyond our product line. We collaborate with whānau (family) across the country, working to cultivate gardens and undertake wild harvests. These endeavours ensure not only the availability of Mamaku products but also the adherence to principles of sustainability and traceability. The origin of each product can be traced back to Māori-owned forest lands, affirming Mamaku's commitment to authenticity.
From the sandy shores of Waimārama to the heart of native forests, we strive to weave a narrative that embodies respect for the past, commitment to the present, and a sense of responsibility for the future. Just as the Mamaku fern unfurls its fronds, we unveil a tale of beauty, tradition, and nurturing care – a legacy crafted proudly in New Zealand.
For many who suffer with eczema or dermatitis, topical steroid creams have been the number one recommend treatment in conventional medicine. Although this type of...