Although there are many ferns worldwide, Mamaku, the black tree fern, is native to Aotearoa. Māori believe in genealogy of all things. This includes the Mamaku, which is explicitly connected to the land and our environment.  We are committed to maintaining the provenance of Mamaku to Aotearoa, and protecting the rongoā and scientific knowledge for the benefit of New Zealand.


We are helping our whānau (family) around the country to develop their land blocks to source Mamaku through wild harvest and cultivated gardens. We can confirm traceability to natural forest lands belonging to Māori. We encourage our whānau to harvest sustainably and to follow tikanga (Māori customs).


We have embarked on a program to develop a customised tikanga (ethical process) for growing, harvesting and processing of our products. These will be developed alongside current certified processing organisations and will be supported with science to guarantee product quality and authenticity.